100+ Among Us Pick Up Lines That are Smooth, Clean, Cute, and Cheesy

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Have you ever found yourself at a loss for words when trying to strike up a conversation with someone you find attractive? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Fortunately, there are pickup lines that can help break the ice and start a fun, flirty conversation. 

In this article, we’ve gathered some of the best Among Us pickup lines that are smooth, clean, cute, Among Us, funny, and even a little bit cheesy. 

Whether you’re looking for something clever and witty or sweet and charming, we’ve got you covered. 

So, get ready to impress and make your crush smile with these top-notch Among Us pickup lines.

100+ Among Us Pick Up Lines That are Smooth, Clean, Cute, Among Us, Funny and Cheesy

Here are the best Among Us pick up lines that are guaranteed to get a smile out of your crush.

  1. Are you an imposter? Because you’ve been running through my mind all day.
  2. Is it just me or do we have some serious chemistry in electrical?
  3. I’m not the imposter, but I think I just vented straight into your heart.
  4. Are you a crewmate? Because I’d love to stick with you all game long.
  5. I’d never vote you out because you’re the imposter of my heart.
  6. You must have a high IQ because you just figured out how to steal my heart.
  7. Are you an imposter? Because I can’t keep my eyes off you.
  8. Are you a vent? Because I can’t stop thinking about what’s inside you.
  9. Is it getting hot in here? Or is it just the fire you started in my heart?
  10. I’ve got a task for you, and it’s to be my player two for life.
  11. Are you a security camera? Because I can’t help but watch you.
  12. I think we’re a perfect match, just like the colors on the wiring task.
  13. Are you a crewmate? Because I’d follow you to the ends of the earth…or the ends of the map.
  14. I’m not the imposter, but I’ll still be the cause of your heart racing.
  15. I’m pretty sure I saw you on admin, because my heart is telling me you’re close.
  16. Is it just me or is the airship getting hotter because of you?
  17. You must be an imposter because I can’t believe how good you look.
  18. Are you a vent? Because I feel like I just fell for you.
  19. Is your name Medbay? Because I feel like I’m going to get healed just by being near you.
  20. Are you an imposter? Because you’ve been sabotaging my thoughts all day.

Smooth Among Us Pick Up Lines

  1. I think you just vented into my heart, because I’m feeling some serious feelings right now.
  2. Are you a crewmate? Because I’d be happy to walk you to your tasks.
  3. I’d vote for you any day, even if you were the imposter.
  4. Are you a security camera? Because I can’t help but want to keep my eye on you.
  5. Is it just me or is there some serious electrical energy between us?
  6. You must be the imposter because I can’t believe how much you’re stealing my heart.
  7. Are you a vent? Because I feel like I just got sucked into your world.
  8. Is your name Polus? Because I feel like I’m in a different world when I’m with you.
  9. Are you an imposter? Because I feel like I can’t trust my own heart around you.
  10. I think I just saw you on admin, because my heart is telling me you’re near.
  11. Are you a crewmate? Because I’m happy to walk by your side, even if we get voted out.
  12. I’m not the imposter, but I’d still kill to be with you.
  13. Are you a security camera? Because I can’t help but keep my eyes on you.
  14. Is it just me or do we have a connection stronger than the wiring task?
  15. You must be the imposter because I can’t get you out of my head.
  16. Are you a vent , because I feel like I just got transported to a whole new world with you.
  17. Is your name Admin? Because I want to keep an eye on you all day.
  18. Are you a crewmate? Because I want to stick with you through thick and thin.
  19. I’m not the imposter, but I’ll still deceive my crewmates to be with you.
  20. Are you a security camera? Because I want to watch over you and protect you.
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Clean Among Us Pick Up Lines

  1. Is it just me or are you making my heart skip more beats than the asteroids task?
  2. You must be the imposter because I’m starting to doubt my own senses around you.
  3. Are you a vent? Because I want to explore all the secret places of your heart.
  4. Is your name Skeld? Because I feel like I’m in a maze of love and I don’t want to escape.
  5. Are you an imposter? Because I can’t tell if you’re genuine or playing with my heart.
  6. I think I just saw you on cams, because my heart is telling me you’re the one for me.
  7. Are you a crewmate? Because I want to complete every task with you by my side.
  8. I’m not the imposter, but I’ll still take risks to be with you.
  9. Are you a security camera? Because I want to make sure you’re always safe and sound.
  10. Is it just me or is there something magnetic between us like the reactor meltdown?
  11. You must be the imposter because I can’t resist your charm and cunning ways.
  12. Are you a vent? Because I want to explore every secret and hidden part of your soul.
  13. Is your name Mira HQ? Because I feel like I’m in a spaceship going on an adventure with you.
  14. Are you an imposter? Because I feel like you’re playing games with my heart.
  15. I think you just vented into my heart, because I’m feeling some serious emotions right now.
  16. Are you a crewmate? Because I want to work together with you to win this game called love.
  17. I’m not the imposter, but I’ll still take a leap of faith to be with you.
  18. Are you a security camera? Because I want to be your personal bodyguard and watch over you.
  19. Is it just me or is the air getting thinner every time I’m close to you like the Polus map?
  20. You must be the imposter because you’re slowly taking over my thoughts and dreams.
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Corny Among Us Pick Up Lines

  1. Are you a vent? Because I want to explore all the uncharted territories of your heart.
  2. Is your name Impostor? Because I feel like I’m always suspicious of you, but I still want to be with you.
  3. Are you an imposter? Because I feel like you’re hiding a lot of secrets, but I still want to get to know you.
  4. I think I just saw you faking tasks, because my heart is telling me you’re the real deal.
  5. Are you a crewmate? Because I want to be your partner in solving the mystery of love.
  6. I’m not the imposter, but I’ll still do anything to win your heart.
  7. Are you a security camera? Because I want to make sure you’re always in my sight.
  8. You must be the imposter because I can’t stop thinking about you even when I’m doing tasks.
  9. Are you a vent? Because I want to get lost in your labyrinth of love.
  10. Is your name Polus? Because I feel like I’m on a rollercoaster of emotions with you.
  11. Are you an imposter? Because you seem too good to be true, but I still want to take a chance on you.
  12. I think I just saw you in Electrical, because my heart is telling me we’re meant to be together.
  13. Are you a crewmate? Because I want to be your wingman and have your back.
  14. I’m not the imposter, but I’ll still sneak around to be with you.
  15. Are you a security camera? Because I want to keep you safe and sound, always.
  16. Is it just me or is there a magnetic attraction between us like the Skeld’s doors?
  17. You must be the imposter because I can’t get you out of my head, no matter how hard I try.
  18. Are you a vent? Because I want to explore every nook and cranny of your heart and soul.
  19. Is your name Medbay? Because I feel like I’m getting healed just by being around you.
  20. Are you an imposter? Because I can’t resist your charm and cunning ways.

Cheesy Among Us Pick Up Lines

  1. I think you just vented into my heart, and now I can’t imagine my life without you.
  2. Are you a crewmate? Because I want to work side by side with you to complete every task in this game called love.
  3. I’m not the imposter, but I’ll still be willing to sabotage my crewmates to be with you.
  4. Are you a security camera? Because I want to be your private investigator and always know what’s on your mind.
  5. Is it just me or are you the missing puzzle piece in my life like the Polus nodes?
  6. You must be the imposter because you’re slowly taking over my heart and soul.
  7. Are you a vent? Because I want to explore all the secret passageways of your heart and soul.
  8. Is your name The Skeld? Because I feel like I’m lost in space without you by my side.
  9. Are you an imposter? Because I feel like you’re deceiving me, but I still want to take a chance on you.
  10. I think I just saw you in Navigation, because my heart is telling me that you’re my true north.
  11. Are you a crewmate? Because I want to be your partner in crime and solve the mystery of love together.
  12. I’m not the imposter, but I’ll still play mind games to win your heart.
  13. Are you a security camera? Because I want to keep a watchful eye on you and protect you from harm.
  14. Is it just me or is there a spark between us like the wires in Electrical?
  15. You must be the imposter because you’re making me doubt my own sanity around you.
  16. Are you a vent? Because I want to explore all the hidden passages of your heart and soul and get to know the real you.
  17. Are you an imposter? Because you’re making me feel like I’m playing a game of love with you.
  18. I think I just saw you in Reactor, because my heart is telling me that we have a nuclear level of attraction.
  19. Are you a crewmate? Because I want to work together with you to achieve victory in love.
  20. I’m not the imposter, but I’ll still take a chance and make a move on you.
  21. Are you a security camera? Because I want to watch over you and make sure you’re always safe.
  22. Is it just me or are you the key to my heart, like the task in The Skeld’s storage room?
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Final Take Away from these Pickup Lines

We hope this article has provided you with some useful Among Us pickup lines to help you break the ice and start a conversation with your crush.

It’s important to be authentic, respectful, and mindful of your crush’s feelings.

Just be yourself, have fun, and let your personality shine through. With these tips in mind, you’re sure to make a great impression on that special someone. Thanks for reading, and good luck out there!

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