100+ Catholic Pick Up Lines That are Smooth, Clean, Cute, and Cheesy

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Have you ever found yourself at a loss for words when trying to strike up a conversation with someone you find attractive? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Fortunately, there are pickup lines that can help break the ice and Catholic a fun, flirty conversation. 

In this article, we’ve gathered some of the best Catholic pickup lines that are smooth, clean, cute, funny, and even a little bit cheesy. 

Whether you’re looking for something clever and witty or sweet and charming, we’ve got you covered. 

So, get ready to impress and make your crush Catholic with these top-notch Catholic pickup lines.

100+ Catholic Pick Up Lines That are Smooth, Clean, Cute, Catholic, Funny and Cheesy

Here are the best Catholic pick up lines that are guaranteed to get a smile out of your crush.

  1. Excuse me, miss, but do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again? I’m Catholic and I think we could make beautiful music together.
  2. Hey there, are you a rosary? Because every time I see you, I’m compelled to pray.
  3. Excuse me, can I have your picture? I need to show Santa Claus what I want for Christmas.
  4. I’m not saying I’m perfect, but I’m willing to go to confession if necessary. Want to join me?
  5. I’m not a priest, but I can still give you absolution. All you have to do is confess your sins to me.
  6. Hey, girl, do you have any holy water? Because I just realized that I’m in need of some purification.
  7. Do you have a Bible? Because I’m lost in your eyes and I need some guidance.
  8. Excuse me, but I couldn’t help noticing that you’re absolutely stunning. And I’m willing to prove that chivalry isn’t dead.
  9. Do you believe in miracles? Because I think we could make one happen together.
  10. Excuse me, but I think you dropped something. My jaw.
  11. Hey, can I take you out for dinner? Because you look like a snack and I’m starving.
  12. Is your name Faith? Because you’re the substance of things I hope for.
  13. Are you a saint? Because I think you’re heaven-sent.
  14. Do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your eyes and I need to find my way back to reality.
  15. Excuse me, but are you Mary? Because you’re making my heart leap with joy like the Visitation.
  16. I’m not a priest, but I can still offer you the sign of peace. Would you like to share it with me?
  17. Do you have a rosary? Because I want to hold your hand and pray with you.
  18. Hey, girl, are you the Holy Spirit? Because you’re guiding me to a higher place.
  19. Excuse me, but are you made of sacramental wine? Because you’re intoxicating.
  20. Do you know what the difference is between you and the angels? You’re not in heaven yet.
  21. Excuse me, but are you a catechism book? Because I want to study you all night long.
  22. Hey, do you know any good novenas? Because I’m praying for a date with you.
  23. Are you a monstrance? Because I want to adore you.
  24. Excuse me, but do you know how to say the Hail Mary? Because I want to say it with you.
  25. Are you a miracle? Because I can’t believe how beautiful you are.
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Cheesy Catholic Pick Up Lines

  1. Hey, girl, do you need a personal altar server? Because I’m at your service.
  2. Excuse me, but do you have any saint medals? Because I want to ask for your intercession.
  3. Are you a liturgical vestment? Because you’re draped in elegance and grace.
  4. Hey, do you believe in guardian angels? Because I think you’re mine.
  5. Excuse me, but do you have a guardian angel? Because I want to ask him to guard us on our date.
  6. Excuse me, but do you know the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit? Because I think you embody them all.
  7. Hey, girl, are you a cantor? Because you have a heavenly voice.
  8. Are you a Eucharistic adoration chapel? Because I want to spend hours with you.
  9. Excuse me, but are you an angel in disguise? Because you’re too beautiful to be human.
  10. Do you have a favorite saint? Because I want to know who to pray to for our future together.
  11. Hey, do you believe in the power of prayer? Because I’m praying for a chance to get to know you.
  12. Excuse me, but do you have a patron saint? Because I want to ask for their guidance in wooing you.
  13. Are you the Ark of the Covenant? Because I want to protect and cherish you.
  14. Do you have a favorite Marian apparition? Because I want to know how to honor the Mother of God with you.
  15. Hey, girl, do you have any spiritual gifts? Because you’re a gift to me.
  16. Excuse me, but do you know how to perform an exorcism? Because you’re driving the demons out of me with your beauty.
  17. Are you a choir member? Because your voice is music to my ears.
  18. Do you know any good spiritual books? Because I want to grow in faith and love with you.
  19. Hey, do you have any favorite Catholic traditions? Because I want to celebrate them with you.
  20. Excuse me, but do you have any holy relics? Because I want to venerate them with you.
  21. Are you a baptismal font? Because I want to be reborn with you.
  22. Do you have a favorite prayer? Because I want to say it with you.
  23. Hey, girl, do you know any good Catholic jokes? Because I want to laugh with you.
  24. Excuse me, but are you a pilgrim? Because I want to walk with you on the journey of faith.
  25. Are you a communion wafer? Because you’re the body of Christ and I want to partake in you.

Corny Catholic Pick Up Lines

  1. Do you have a favorite Catholic artwork? Because I want to appreciate its beauty with you.
  2. Hey, do you know any good Catholic charities? Because I want to serve the poor and vulnerable with you.
  3. Excuse me, but do you have any relics of the True Cross? Because I want to venerate the instrument of our salvation with you.
  4. Are you a liturgical dance? Because your grace and beauty are mesmerizing.
  5. Do you have a favorite Catholic holiday? Because I want to celebrate it with you.
  6. Hey, girl, are you a sacramental? Because you’re a visible sign of God’s grace.
  7. Excuse me, but do you know how to pray the Stations of the Cross? Because I want to meditate on Christ’s love with you.
  8. Are you a catechist? Because I want to learn more about the faith with you.
  9. Do you have a favorite Catholic saint quote? Because I want to be inspired by their wisdom with you.
  10. Hey, do you believe in the Communion of Saints? Because I want to pray with them for our future together.
  11. Are you a Catholic blogger? Because your words are inspiring and thought-provoking.
  12. Do you have a favorite Catholic movie? Because I want to watch it with you.
  13. Hey, girl, do you know any good Catholic podcasts? Because I want to listen and learn with you.
  14. Excuse me, but do you know any Catholic prayers in Latin? Because I want to pray with you in the language of the Church.
  15. Are you a Catholic writer? Because your words have the power to touch souls.
  16. Do you have a favorite Catholic pilgrimage site? Because I want to make a pilgrimage with you.
  17. Hey, do you know any good Catholic speakers? Because I want to be inspired and motivated with you.
  18. Excuse me, but do you know how to pray the Liturgy of the Hours? Because I want to pray with you at different times of the day.
  19. Are you a Catholic artist? Because your talent and creativity are gifts from God.
  20. Do you have a favorite Catholic theologian? Because I want to learn more about the mysteries of the faith with you.
  21. Hey, girl, do you know any good Catholic social media accounts to follow? Because I want to be encouraged and uplifted with you.
  22. Excuse me, but do you know any Catholic spiritual practices? Because I want to grow in holiness and virtue with you.
  23. Are you a Catholic teacher? Because your knowledge and wisdom are valuable resources.
  24. Do you have a favorite Catholic charity to support? Because I want to give back and make a difference with you.
  25. Hey, do you believe in the power of confession? Because I want to confess my love for you.
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Smooth Catholic Pick Up Lines

  1. Excuse me, but do you have any Catholic memorabilia? Because I want to collect and cherish them with you.
  2. Are you a Catholic apologist? Because your defense of the faith is inspiring and admirable.
  3. Do you have a favorite Catholic prayer group? Because I want to pray and share our faith with others with you.
  4. Hey, girl, do you know any good Catholic bloggers to follow? Because I want to read and discuss their insights with you.
  5. Excuse me, but do you know any Catholic rituals? Because I want to participate in them with you.
  6. Are you a Catholic missionary? Because your passion and dedication to spreading the Gospel are inspiring.
  7. Do you have a favorite Catholic martyr? Because I want to learn from their courage and faith with you.
  8. Hey, do you believe in the Catholic teachings on marriage? Because I want to build a strong and holy relationship with you.
  9. Excuse me, but do you know any Catholic devotions? Because I want to honor Mary and the saints with you.
  10. Are you a Catholic evangelist? Because your zeal and enthusiasm for the faith are contagious.
  11. Do you have a favorite Catholic tradition? Because I want to uphold and celebrate it with you.
  12. Hey, girl, do you know any good Catholic retreat centers? Because I want to grow closer to God and to you.
  13. Excuse me, but do you know any Catholic meditation techniques? Because I want to quiet my mind and pray with you.
  14. Are you a Catholic therapist? Because your insight and wisdom are valuable for my spiritual and emotional health.
  15. Do you have a favorite Catholic pilgrimage destination? Because I want to travel to holy places with you.
  16. Hey, do you believe in the Catholic teachings on the Eucharist? Because I want to receive the Body and Blood of Christ with you.
  17. Excuse me, but do you know any Catholic contemplative practices? Because I want to deepen my relationship with God with you.
  18. Are you a Catholic historian? Because your knowledge of the Church’s history is fascinating and enlightening.
  19. Do you have a favorite Catholic mission trip experience? Because I want to serve others and grow in faith with you.
  20. Hey, girl, do you know any good Catholic online communities? Because I want to connect and share my faith with others with you.
  21. Excuse me, but do you know any Catholic spiritual directors? Because I want to discern God’s will and grow in holiness with you.
  22. Are you a Catholic philosopher? Because your insights into the mysteries of existence are thought-provoking and inspiring.
  23. Do you have a favorite Catholic pilgrimage route? Because I want to walk the path of faith with you.
  24. Hey, do you believe in the Catholic teachings on the sacraments? Because I want to receive God’s grace through them with you.
  25. Excuse me, but do you know any Catholic meditation apps? Because I want to pray and reflect with you.
  26. Are you a Catholic scholar? Because your knowledge and expertise in the faith are impressive and valuable.
  27. Do you have a favorite Catholic service project? Because I want to make a difference in the world with you.
  28. Hey, girl, do you know any good Catholic spiritual retreats? Because I want to deepen my relationship with God and with you.
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Final Take Away from these Pickup Lines

We hope this article has provided you with some useful Catholic pickup lines to help you break the ice and Catholic a conversation with your crush or Catholic and even snapchat.

It’s important to be authentic, respectful, and mindful of your crush’s feelings.

Just be yourself, have fun, and let your personality shine through. With these tips in mind, you’re sure to make a great impression on that special someone. Thanks for reading, and good luck out there!

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