100+ Dinosaur Pick Up Lines That are Smooth, Clean, Cute, and Cheesy

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Have you ever found yourself at a loss for words when trying to strike up a conversation with someone you find attractive? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Fortunately, there are pickup lines that can help break the ice and start a fun, flirty conversation. 

In this article, we’ve gathered some of the best Dinosaur pickup lines that are smooth, clean, cute, Dinosaur, funny, and even a little bit cheesy. 

Whether you’re looking for something clever and witty or sweet and charming, we’ve got you covered. 

So, get ready to impress and make your crush smile with these top-notch Dinosaur pickup lines.

100+ Dinosaur Pick Up Lines That are Smooth, Clean, Cute, Corny, Funny and Cheesy

Here are the best Dinosaur pick up lines that are guaranteed to get a smile out of your crush.

  1. You must be a T-Rex because you make my heart race.
  2. Are you a Stegosaurus? Because you’re giving me a spiked feeling.
  3. Is it hot in here, or did the Brachiosaurus just walk in?
  4. You must be a fossil because you have my heart under lock and key.
  5. Are you a Velociraptor? Because you make me feel like I’m in the Jurassic Park.
  6. Do you have a tail? Because you’re a total catch.
  7. You must be a Pterodactyl because you take my breath away.
  8. Are you a Triceratops? Because you have me charging at you with love.
  9. Is your name Sue? Because you’re the most complete T-Rex I’ve ever seen.
  10. Are you a Stegosaurus? Because I have a bone to pick with you… for not noticing me until now.
  11. Are you a dinosaur? Because you just dino-mite my heart.
  12. Is your name Bronto? Because you make my heart soar like a Brontosaurus.
  13. Are you a T-Rex? Because you’re making my heart roar.
  14. Are you a Dilophosaurus? Because you’re spitting fire in my heart.
  15. Are you a Velociraptor? Because you’re making me run wild with love.
  16. Is your name Rex? Because you’re the king of my heart.
  17. Are you a Pachycephalosaurus? Because you’re making my heart beat faster.
  18. Are you a Spinosaurus? Because you’re making my heart spin.
  19. Is your name Trixie? Because you’re the cutest little T-Rex I’ve ever seen.
  20. Are you a Deinonychus? Because you’re making my heart race with excitement.

Cheesy Dinosaur Pick Up Lines

  1. Are you a Brachiosaurus? Because you make my heart reach new heights.
  2. Do you have a long neck like a Diplodocus? Because you’re making my heart reach new heights.
  3. Are you a Velociraptor? Because you’re making my heart race with excitement.
  4. Is your name Megalosaurus? Because you’re making my heart feel mega-love for you.
  5. Do you have a tail like a Stegosaurus? Because I’m hooked on you.
  6. Is your name Dino? Because you’re the cutest thing I’ve ever seen since the Jurassic period.
  7. Are you a T-Rex? Because you’re making my heart go extinct.
  8. Are you a Velociraptor? Because you’re making my heart race like a raptor.
  9. Is your name Rex? Because you rule my heart.
  10. Are you a Brachiosaurus? Because you make my heart soar like a pterodactyl.
  11. Is your name Spike? Because you’re making my heart race with excitement.
  12. Do you have a horn like a Triceratops? Because you’re a real catch.
  13. Are you a dinosaur? Because you’re making my heart roar with excitement.
  14. Is your name Rocky? Because you’re making my heart feel prehistoric.
  15. Are you a T-Rex? Because I can’t help but roar for you.
  16. Are you a Stegosaurus? Because you’re leaving me feeling spine-tingling.
  17. Is your name Lucy? Because you’re a rare and precious find.
  18. Are you a Velociraptor? Because you’re making my heart race like a pack of raptors.
  19. Are you a Pterodactyl? Because you make my heart soar high.
  20. Is your name Roxy? Because you rock my world like a dinosaur.
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Corny Dinosaur Pick Up Lines

  1. Do you have a long neck like a Brachiosaurus? Because you take my breath away.
  2. Are you a Triceratops? Because I want to be your mate for life.
  3. Is your name Trix? Because you’re the cutest little dinosaur in town.
  4. Are you a T-Rex? Because you’re fierce and unstoppable, just like my love for you.
  5. Are you a Brontosaurus? Because you make my heart grow as big as yours.
  6. Do you have sharp teeth like a Spinosaurus? Because you’re making my heart ache with love for you.
  7. Are you a Diplodocus? Because you’re making my heart long for you.
  8. Is your name Sarah? Because you’re a sight to see, just like the famous dinosaur.
  9. Are you a Velociraptor? Because you’re making me chase after you.
  10. Is your name Rexy? Because you’re making my heart feel prehistoric.
  11. Are you a Pachycephalosaurus? Because you’re giving me a headache with how cute you are.
  12. Are you a T-Rex? Because I’m willing to be your prey.
  13. Is your name Bronto? Because you make my heart beat like a stampede.
  14. Are you a Megalosaurus? Because I’m megal-obsessed with you.
  15. Are you a Stegosaurus? Because you’re making my heart thump with excitement.
  16. Is your name Dino? Because you’re the cutest thing since the extinction of dinosaurs.
  17. Are you a Velociraptor? Because you’re making my heart race faster than a raptor.
  18. Do you have a long tail like a Sauropod? Because you’re a catch that I can’t let go.
  19. Is your name Saurus? Because you’re making my heart beat in a prehistoric rhythm.
  20. Are you a T-Rex? Because I’m willing to risk it all for you.
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Clean Dinosaur Pick Up Lines

  1. Are you a Brachiosaurus? Because you’re making my heart reach new heights.
  2. Do you have horns like a Triceratops? Because you’re making me want to charge towards you.
  3. Is your name Fossie? Because you’re a rare find that I don’t want to let go of.
  4. Are you a Velociraptor? Because you’re making my heart race like I’m being chased by a pack of raptors.
  5. Is your name Dino-mite? Because you’re blowing up my heart like a dynamite explosion.
  6. Are you a T-Rex? Because you make my heart skip a beat like it’s running away from you.
  7. Is your name Amber? Because you’re the most precious thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.
  8. Are you a Velociraptor? Because you make my heart race like a herd of prey.
  9. Do you have a long tail like a Brontosaurus? Because I’m hooked on you and don’t want to let go.
  10. Is your name Bronto-sweety? Because you’re the sweetest thing since the Brontosaurus.
  11. Are you a Pterodactyl? Because you make my heart soar high up into the sky.
  12. Do you have sharp teeth like a Tyrannosaurus Rex? Because you’re making my heart skip a beat.
  13. Is your name Veloci-rapture? Because you’re making my heart race faster than a Velociraptor chasing its prey.
  14. Are you a Stegosaurus? Because you’re making my heart feel like it’s covered in spikes.
  15. Is your name T-Rexy? Because you’re making my heart feel like it’s in the jaws of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
  16. Are you a Diplodocus? Because you make my heart long for you like a long neck for leaves.
  17. Do you have a long neck like a Brachiosaurus? Because you make my heart reach for the stars.
  18. Is your name Raptor-babe? Because you’re making my heart race like a pack of Velociraptors.
  19. Are you a Triceratops? Because you have me charging towards you like a rhinoceros.
  20. Is your name Dino-licious? Because you’re the most delicious thing since the extinction of dinosaurs.

Smooth Dinosaur Pick Up Lines

  1. Are you a T-Rex? Because you’re making my heart beat like a drum in a dinosaur parade.
  2. Do you have a thick hide like an Ankylosaurus? Because I’m willing to fight for your love.
  3. Is your name Trixie? Because you’re making me feel like a kid again with all this love.
  4. Are you a Velociraptor? Because you make my heart race like it’s being chased by a pack of raptors.
  5. Is your name Rexanna? Because you rule my heart like a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
  6. Are you a Pachycephalosaurus? Because you’re giving me a head-banging feeling.
  7. Is your name Dinomite? Because you’re blowing up my heart like a meteor impact.
  8. Are you a Stegosaurus? Because you’re making my heart feel like it’s covered in spikes.
  9. Do you have sharp claws like a Deinonychus? Because you’re making my heart feel like it’s being held captive by your love.
  10. Is your name Dino-mite Lady? Because you’re the bombshell that blew up my heart.
  11. Are you a T-Rex? Because you’re making me feel like a prey trying to escape your love.
  12. Is your name Fossilina? Because you’re the most precious thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.
  13. Are you a Velociraptor? Because you’re making my heart race like a pack of raptors on the hunt.
  14. Is your name Jurassic? Because you’re making my heart feel like I’m in a prehistoric wonderland.
  15. Are you a T-Rex? Because you’re making me feel like a tiny mammal in your presence.
  16. Do you have scales like a Stegosaurus? Because you’re making my heart feel like it’s armored for love.
  17. Is your name Dina? Because you’re making my heart dance like a dinosaur in the rain.
  18. Are you a Velociraptor? Because you’re making me chase after you like a prey on the run.
  19. Is your name Rexanne? Because you’re the queen of my heart, just like a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
  20. Are you a Compsognathus? Because you’re making my heart feel small, but in the best way possible.
  21. Is your name Amber? Because just like a fossil trapped in amber, I want to preserve you in my heart forever.
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Final Take Away from these Pickup Lines

We hope this article has provided you with some useful Dinosaur pickup lines to help you break the ice and start a conversation with your crush.

It’s important to be authentic, respectful, and mindful of your crush’s feelings.

Just be yourself, have fun, and let your personality shine through. With these tips in mind, you’re sure to make a great impression on that special someone. Thanks for reading, and good luck out there!

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