100+ Pirate Pick Up Lines That are Smooth, Clean, Cute, and Cheesy

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Have you ever found yourself at a loss for words when trying to strike up a conversation with someone you find attractive? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Fortunately, there are pickup lines that can help break the ice and start a fun, flirty conversation. 

In this article, we’ve gathered some of the best Pirate pickup lines that are smooth, clean, cute, Pirate, funny, and even a little bit cheesy. 

Whether you’re looking for something clever and witty or sweet and charming, we’ve got you covered. 

So, get ready to impress and make your crush smile with these top-notch Pirate pickup lines.

100+ Pirate Pick Up Lines That are Smooth, Clean, Cute, Pirate, Funny and Cheesy

Here are the best Pirate pick up lines that are guaranteed to get a smile out of your crush.

  1. Ahoy, beautiful! Are you a treasure map? ‘Cause I wanna follow you to the X.
  2. Arrrrrrrrrrr you free tonight, lassie?
  3. Shiver me timbers! You make me want to walk the plank…straight into your arms.
  4. Avast, me heartie! Are you a pirate too? ‘Cause I’d love to pillage your booty.
  5. Yarr, me matey! You must be a mermaid, ’cause I can’t help but be lured by your beauty.
  6. Yo ho ho! Is your name Ariel? ‘Cause we were mermaid for each other.
  7. Land ho! I’ve been lost at sea for days, but seeing you makes me feel like I’ve finally found my way home.
  8. Thar she blows! Are you a cannonball? ‘Cause you just rocked my world.
  9. Blimey! If you were a pirate, you’d be the captain of my heart.
  10. Aye aye, captain! Are you a sea witch? ‘Cause I’ll trade anything to have you by my side.
  11. Hoist the Jolly Roger! I’m willing to walk the plank for you, if you know what I mean.
  12. By Blackbeard’s beard! You must be the treasure at the end of my rainbow.
  13. All hands on deck! I can’t believe how lucky I am to have found you.
  14. Shark bait! Are you a sword? ‘Cause you look sharp.
  15. Ahoy, me beauty! I’d plunder the seven seas to find the treasure that is you.
  16. Blow me down! I don’t need a compass to know that you’re my true north.
  17. Pieces of eight! You must be a pirate, ’cause you just stole my heart.
  18. Ho ho ho and a bottle of rum! I’d share my booty with you any day.
  19. Thar be treasure in your eyes! Would you like to search for the treasure that’s hidden in my heart?
  20. Aye, me hearty! You’re the rum to my coke.

Smooth Pirate Pick Up Lines

  1. Ahoy there, matey! Are you a sea monster? ‘Cause you’ve got me all tangled up in your tentacles.
  2. Ahoy, me hearties! I’ll be the pirate, you be the treasure.
  3. Shiver me whiskers! You’re so beautiful, I’d sail the seven seas just to see you again.
  4. Blow the man down! You’ve got me feeling like I’ve been hit by a cannonball.
  5. Ho ho ho! Are you a pirate? ‘Cause I’d love to make you walk the plank…straight into my bed.
  6. Thar she blows again! You must be a map, ’cause I’m lost in your eyes.
  7. All aboard! I’d love to take you on a romantic voyage on my ship.
  8. Ahoy, mate! Are you a compass? ‘Cause I can’t find my way without you.
  9. Batten down the hatches! You’re the treasure I’ve been searching for my whole life.
  10. Blow the man down again! I’d love to plunder your booty, but I promise to be gentle.
  11. Heave ho!I may be a pirate, but I’m willing to commit to a long-term relationship with you.
  12. Set sail with me, lass! We could explore new lands and discover hidden treasures together.
  13. Aye, aye, me heartie! You must be a pirate’s dream come true, ’cause you’ve got me hooked.
  14. Hoist the mainsail! I want to ride the waves of love with you.
  15. Avast, ye! I may be a pirate, but I’ll never steal your heart without permission.
  16. Shiver me jimmies! You’re the only treasure I need to complete my collection.
  17. Ahoy, matey! I don’t need a map to find my way to your heart.
  18. Ahoy, me lass! Would you like to come aboard and see what kind of adventure we can have?
  19. Blimey, you’re a fine catch! I’ve been fishing for love, and I think I just caught the biggest catch of all.
  20. Belay that! I’d love to tie you up in my ropes and show you a good time.
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Cheesy Pirate Pick Up Lines

  1. Thar be a storm brewing in my heart! And the only way to calm it is with your love.
  2. Ahoy, me pretty! You’re the only treasure worth risking everything for.
  3. Blow me down and call me Sally! I never knew a pirate’s life could be this exciting until I met you.
  4. Ahoy, me heartie! I can’t help but think that our love is meant to be.
  5. All hands on deck, we’re in for a rough ride! But with you by my side, I know we can weather any storm.
  6. Shiver me buckles! I’m feeling a strong connection to you, and I hope you feel the same.
  7. Arr, me beauty! You’re the pearl in my oyster, and I’d love to keep you close.
  8. Blow the man down thrice! I never knew how much I needed a pirate queen in my life until I met you.
  9. Land ho, me matey! I’d love to show you the world, one port at a time.
  10. Thar be a fire in my soul! And the only way to extinguish it is with your love.
  11. Ahoy, me hearty! I can’t imagine a life without you by my side.
  12. Blimey, you’re a diamond in the rough! I’m willing to do whatever it takes to keep you shining bright.
  13. Yo ho ho, me lass! You’ve got me under your spell, and I don’t want to break free.
  14. Ahoy, me beauty! Would you like to join me on a romantic treasure hunt?
  15. Shiver me whiskers and call me a landlubber! I’ve never been so smitten with anyone before.
  16. Hoist the colors! I want to show the world that you’re my one and only.
  17. Avast, me lass! You’re the anchor that keeps me grounded and the wind that fills my sails.
  18. Ahoy, me matey! I’ll follow you to the ends of the earth if you’ll let me.
  19. Blow me down and call me Captain! I’m ready to take command of your heart.
  20. Thar be magic in the air! And I think it’s because you’re here with me.
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Corny Pirate Pick Up Lines

  1. Ahoy, me heartie! I’d be lost at sea without you.
  2. Shiver me timbers and call me a fool! I never knew love could be this exhilarating until I met you.
  3. Hoist the anchor! I want to set sail with you on the voyage of a lifetime.
  4. Avast, me matey! I’d love to navigate the seas of life with you.
  5. Ahoy, me beauty! You’re the treasure that’s worth more than gold to me.
  6. Blow me down and call me besotted! I can’t get you out of my mind.
  7. Land ho, me heartie! You’re the port that I’ve been searching for all my life.
  8. Ahoy, me lass! I’m ready to embark on a romantic adventure with you.
  9. All hands on deck, it’s time to set sail! And I can’t imagine doing it without you.
  10. Thar be a storm a-brewing, but I’m not afraid! As long as you’re by my side, I can weather any storm.
  11. Ahoy, me matey! I’ve been waiting for someone like you to come into my life.
  12. Shiver me jibbers! You’re the sunshine that brightens up my day.
  13. Blow me down and call me lovestruck! I’m head over heels for you.
  14. Avast, me beauty! I can’t take my eyes off of you.
  15. Ahoy, me heartie! I’d be lost without you, like a ship without a compass.
  16. Blimey, you’re a rare gem! And I want to keep you close to my heart.
  17. Ho ho ho and a bottle of love! I’m ready to share my heart with you.
  18. Thar be no one like you, me lass! And that’s why I’m so captivated by you.
  19. Ahoy, me matey! I’d love to explore the uncharted waters of love with you.
  20. Shiver me whiskers and call me smitten! You’ve got me wrapped around your finger.

Clean Pirate Pick Up Lines

  1. Avast, me heartie! You’re the wind in my sails and the fire in my heart.
  2. Ahoy, me beauty! I’d love to take you on a romantic moonlit sail.
  3. Blow me down and call me yours! I’m ready to commit to you, heart and soul.
  4. All hands on deck, we’re in for a smooth ride! As long as we’re together, we can conquer anything.
  5. Ahoy, me lass! I’m ready to make you the queen of my ship and the queen of my heart.
  6. Thar be no one else for me, me heartie! I’m devoted to you and only you.
  7. Blimey, you’re a sight for sore eyes! And I never want to take my eyes off of you.
  8. Yo ho ho, me matey! I want to take you on a romantic adventure that we’ll never forget.
  9. Ahoy, me beauty! You’re the treasure that I’ve been searching for all along.
  10. Shiver me timbers and call me a romantic! I can’t help but feel overwhelmed by my love for you.
  11. Hoist the sails, me lass!** I’m ready to sail off into the sunset with you.
  12. Avast, me heartie! I’d be lost without you, like a ship without a rudder.
  13. Ahoy, me matey! I want to navigate the waters of love with you by my side.
  14. Blow me down and call me love-struck! I’m ready to fall head over heels for you.
  15. Thar be no one else that can compare to you, me beauty! You’re one in a million.
  16. Ahoy, me heartie! I’d love to make you the captain of my heart.
  17. Shiver me timbers and call me infatuated! I can’t get enough of you.
  18. Blimey, you’re a breath of fresh sea air! And I want to breathe you in forever.
  19. Land ho, me matey! You’re the shore that I want to dock my ship at for the rest of my life.
  20. Ahoy, me lass! I’m ready to set sail on a journey of love with you.
  21. Avast, me beauty! I can’t wait to explore the vast seas of life with you.
  22. Yo ho ho and a bottle of passion! I’m ready to give you all the love you deserve.
  23. Ahoy, me heartie! I want to make you the anchor of my soul.
  24. Thar be no one that can hold a candle to you, me matey! And that’s why I’m so smitten with you.
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Final Take Away from these Pickup Lines

We hope this article has provided you with some useful Pirate pickup lines to help you break the ice and start a conversation with your crush.

It’s important to be authentic, respectful, and mindful of your crush’s feelings.

Just be yourself, have fun, and let your personality shine through. With these tips in mind, you’re sure to make a great impression on that special someone. Thanks for reading, and good luck out there!


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