100+ Star Trek Pick Up Lines That are Smooth, Clean, Cute, and Cheesy

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Have you ever found yourself at a loss for words when trying to strike up a conversation with someone you find attractive? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. Fortunately, there are pickup lines that can help break the ice and Star Trek fun, flirty conversation. 

In this article, we’ve gathered some of the best Star Trek Pickup lines that are smooth, clean, cute, funny, and even a little bit cheesy. 

Whether you’re looking for something clever and witty or sweet and charming, we’ve got you covered. 

So, get ready to impress and make your crush Star Trek With these top-notch Star Trek Pick Up lines.

100+ Star Trek Pick Up Lines That are Smooth, Clean, Cute, Restaurant, Funny and Cheesy

Here are the best Star Trek Pick up lines that are guaranteed to get a smile out of your crush.

  1. Boldly go with me to explore the galaxy of love.
  2. Boldly beam into my heart and stay there forever.
  3. Boldly set your phasers to stunning, because you’ve captured my heart.
  4. Boldly come into my life and make it so much better.
  5. Boldly navigate the stars of my dreams and be my guiding light.
  6. Boldly declare that resistance is futile and give in to your attraction to me.
  7. Boldly go where no one has gone before—into my heart.
  8. Boldly step into my life and become my first officer of love.
  9. Boldly engage my heart’s warp drive and let’s explore the depths of our connection.
  10. Boldly teleport into my life and let me show you the wonders of love.
  11. Boldly captain my heart, and I’ll be your loyal crewmate.
  12. Boldly enter my orbit, and let’s create a stellar romance.
  13. Boldly come closer, and let me show you the logical side of love.
  14. Boldly set course for my heart, and I promise you a voyage you’ll never forget.
  15. Boldly choose me as your companion, and we’ll live long and prosper together.
  16. Boldly enter my life, and we’ll create a love story that will span the galaxy.
  17. Boldly navigate the stars of passion with me, and we’ll discover new frontiers of love.
  18. Boldly go where no one has gone before—right into my heart.
  19. Boldly activate my tricorder, and you’ll find that my heart beats only for you.
  20. Boldly transport yourself into my world, and I’ll make you my first officer of love.
  21. Boldly initiate the prime directive of my heart and make me yours.
  22. Boldly set your phasers to charm, and let me be your number one.
  23. Boldly engage my affection, and we’ll warp into a love that defies space and time.
  24. Boldly explore the depths of my love, and I’ll show you the wonders of the universe.
  25. Boldly come aboard my heart’s starship, and together we’ll navigate the cosmos of love.
  26. Boldly enter my quadrant, and let’s form an alliance of love.
  27. Boldly approach me, and I’ll prove that love is not a futile endeavor.
  28. Boldly traverse the stars of destiny with me, and we’ll write our own love story.
  29. Boldly go on a date with me, and I promise you a stellar evening.
  30. Boldly set a course for my heart, and we’ll embark on a romantic journey together.
  31. Boldly make me your first officer of love, and I’ll navigate our relationship with care.
  32. Boldly initiate a telepathic connection with me, and we’ll understand each other’s hearts.
  33. Boldly dock your shuttlecraft in my heart’s docking bay, and let’s explore our love.
  34. Boldly enter the neutral zone of my affections, and I’ll surrender to you completely.
  35. Boldly set coordinates for my heart, and together we’ll explore the depths of love.
  36. Boldly come closer, and I’ll show you the beauty of love’s final frontier.
  37. Boldly venture into my heart’s holodeck, and I’ll create a romantic simulation just for us.
  38. Boldly lock onto my love signals, and let’s navigate the stars of passion together.
  39. Boldly initiate a mind-meld with me, and we’ll share a deep connection like no other.
  40. Boldly activate my heart’s replicator, and I’ll shower you with love and affection.
  41. Boldly enter my personal shuttlecraft, and I’ll take you on a journey to forever.
  42. Boldly align our warp cores of love, and together we’ll achieve maximum happiness.
  43. Boldly activate my heart’s tractor beam, and I’ll be drawn to you irresistibly.
  44. Boldly set course for my heart’s starbase, and let’s dock in a love that’s everlasting.
  45. Boldly engage my romantic shields, and I’ll protect our love from any harm.
  46. Boldly initiate a subspace frequency of love, and I’ll answer your affectionate call.
  47. Boldly recalibrate your sensors of attraction, for I’m emitting signals of love towards you.
  48. Boldly enter my command center of love, and together we’ll conquer the universe of emotions.
  49. Boldly activate my love algorithm, and you’ll discover that we’re a perfect match.
  50. Boldly unlock the secrets of my heart’s database, and you’ll find endless love for you.
  51. Boldly interface with my heart’s main computer, and I’ll be yours for eternity.
  52. Boldly initiate a time warp of love, and we’ll create a timeless bond between us.
  53. Boldly program your coordinates to my heart’s coordinates, and we’ll synchronize our love.
  54. Boldly download the essence of my love into your being, and we’ll merge our souls.
  55. Boldly establish a neural link with me, and we’ll share thoughts, dreams, and love.
  56. Boldly set your phasers to charm, and I’ll surrender to your irresistible appeal.
  57. Boldly enter my life support system of love, and I’ll keep your heart beating with joy.
  58. Boldly activate the transporter of affection, and I’ll beam love directly to your heart.
  59. Boldly navigate the constellations of love with me, and we’ll create a celestial romance.
  60. Boldly engage my romantic thrusters, and together we’ll soar to new heights of love.
  61. Boldly warp into my heart’s orbit, and I’ll make you the center of my universe.
  62. Boldly input your love coordinates, and I’ll navigate our relationship with precision.
  63. Boldly initiate a stellar collision of love, and we’ll create a cosmic explosion of passion.
  64. Boldly align your trajectory with mine, and we’ll orbit each other in eternal love.
  65. Boldly synchronize our heartbeats, and we’ll create a symphony of love in harmony.
  66. Boldly enter the dimensional realm of my love, and we’ll transcend the boundaries of romance.
  67. Boldly activate the cloaking device of my heart, and we’ll hide our love from the world.
  68. Boldly interlock our warp nacelles of affection, and we’ll fly together as one.
  69. Boldly initiate a supernova of passion between us, and we’ll ignite a love that burns brighter than any star.
  70. Boldly engage the tractor beam of my love, and I’ll pull you in closer with every beat of my heart.
  71. Boldly unlock the mysteries of my love’s singularity, and we’ll explore the depths of infinite affection.
  72. Boldly set a course for my heart’s nebula, and let’s get lost in a swirling dance of love.
  73. Boldly activate the phasers of my desire, and together we’ll obliterate any obstacles to our love.
  74. Boldly enter the holodeck of my heart, and I’ll create a romantic fantasy that’s just for us.
  75. Boldly engage the warp drive of passion, and we’ll speed through the galaxy of love at full throttle.
  76. Boldly establish a subspace link between our hearts, and we’ll communicate our love across the stars.
  77. Boldly navigate the gravitational pull of my love, and I’ll keep you grounded in a world of affection.
  78. Boldly initiate a plasma surge of emotions, and we’ll generate a love that’s electric and powerful.
  79. Boldly unlock the encryption of my heart, and you’ll discover the hidden depths of my love for you.
  80. Boldly enter the Jefferies tube of my heart, and we’ll crawl our way to eternal happiness.
  81. Boldly calibrate your sensors to my frequency, and you’ll receive a constant transmission of love.
  82. Boldly synchronize our warp fields of desire, and we’ll propel our love to incredible speeds.
  83. Boldly activate the force fields of my affection, and I’ll protect our love from any harm.
  84. Boldly set course for the Delta Quadrant of my heart, and we’ll explore the uncharted territories of love.
  85. Boldly engage the replicator of my heart, and I’ll provide you with an abundance of love and happiness.
  86. Boldly establish a chroniton field around our love, and we’ll exist outside the constraints of time.
  87. Boldly unlock the mysteries of my love’s anomaly, and together we’ll navigate its unpredictable path.
  88. Boldly initiate a transwarp conduit of passion, and we’ll transcend the boundaries of ordinary love.
  89. Boldly navigate the asteroid field of my emotions, and we’ll overcome any obstacles in our path.
  90. Boldly align your starship of love with mine, and we’ll journey together through the cosmos of affection.
  91. Boldly activate the emergency command hologram of my heart, and I’ll always be there to support you.
  92. Boldly synchronize our quantum signatures, and we’ll create a love that’s entangled across space and time.
  93. Boldly enter the warp core of my love, and together we’ll generate infinite energy of affection.
  94. Boldly recalibrate your universal translator for the language of my heart, and you’ll understand my love completely.
  95. Boldly engage the thrusters of my passion, and we’ll launch into a love that’s out of this world.
  96. Boldly set a course for my heart’s pulsar, and we’ll experience love’s radiance in its purest form.
  97. Boldly activate the auxiliary power of my love, and I’ll always be there to support you in times of need.
  98. Boldly establish a quantum resonance with my heart, and we’ll vibrate together in perfect harmony of love.
  99. Boldly navigate the subspace currents of my affection, and we’ll ride the waves of love into eternity.
  100. Boldly activate the navigational deflector of my heart, and I’ll shield our love from any disturbances.
  101. Boldly set your course for my love’s event horizon, and we’ll be forever drawn towards each other.
  102. Boldly initiate a warp jump into my heart, and we’ll travel through love’s dimensions without limits.
  103. Boldly align the dilithium crystals of our hearts, and together we’ll power a love that’s unbreakable.
  104. Boldly enter my personal shuttlecraft, and I’ll take you on a journey to the stars of romance.
  105. Boldly activate the universal translator of my heart, and I’ll speak the language of love just for you.
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Final Take Away from these Pickup Lines

We hope this article has provided you with some useful Star Trek Pickup lines to help you break the ice and Star Trek conversation with your crush or Star Trek and even snapchat.

It’s important to be authentic, respectful, and mindful of your crush’s feelings.

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Just be yourself, have fun, and let your personality shine through. With these tips in mind, you’re sure to make a great impression on that special someone. Thanks for reading, and good luck out there!

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